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ICGT Precision Crystal Therapy Certificate Techniques and Exercises:




 Certificate Course - by Module


Module 1 - Crystal formations, mining, enhanced crystals

ICGT 015 Audio "Expections of the course": Click Here

ICGT 010 Audio "Introduction to the ICGT Certificate": Click Here

ICGT 014 Audio "A brief history of Crystal Healing/Therapy": Click Here

ICGT 036 Video "Unit Cells, crystal systems": Click Here

ICGT 037 Video "Cubic Crystals": Click Here

ICGT 038 Video "Hexagonal Crystals": Click Here

ICGT 039 Video " Monoclinic Crystals": Click Here

ICGT 040 Video " Orthorhombic Crystals" Click Here

ICGT 041 Video "Tetragonal Crystals": Click Here

ICGT 042 Video "Triclinic Crystals": Click Here

ICGT 043 Video "Trigonal Crystals": Click Here


Module 2 - Choosing, Cleansing, Exploring Crystals

ICGT008 Audio 'Choosing Crystals' Click here

​ICGT 009  Audio "Cleansing and Programming Crystals": Click Here

ICGT 001  Video "Centring and Grounding (Back to Reality)": Click Here

ICGT 002  Video "Balancing and Calming": Click Here

ICGT 003  Video "Feeling Disoriented": Click Here

ICGT 025 Video "Seal of Solomon" Layout: Click Here

ICGT 011  Audio "Being Centred and Grounded": Click Here

ICGT 012  Audio "Grounding and Boundaries": Click Here

ICGT  013 Audio "More Grounding!": Click Here


​Module 3 - Dowsing, Looking after Yourself and Your Energies (1)

EV1 Audio "Tree Roots Meditation" - Grounding              Click Here           

EV2 Audio "Centre-line Breathing" - Centring                 Click Here    

EV3 Audio "Tree Roots and Branches"                                Click Here

EV4 Audio "Crystal City Visualisation"                               Click Here

​​EV5 Audio "Curtains of Light"                                               Click Here

MCS 002 Video "Tapping in"/"Thymus Tap":   Click Here      

​MCS 013 Video "​Introduction to Dowsing":  Click Here   


​Module 4 - Chakras, Looking after Yourself and Your Energies (2)

ICGT 006 Video "Overview of the Chakra System": Click Here

ICGT 004 Video "Rainbow Chakra" Layout: Click Here

ICGT 005 Video "Rainbow Chakra" Layout Plus: Click Here

ICGT 007 Video  "Assessed Crystal Chakra" Layout: Click Here

ICGT 017 Video "Over/Under Chakra" Technique - Part 1: Click Here

ICGT 018 Video "Over/Under Chakra" Technique - Part 2: Click Here

ICGT 019 Video "Chakra Goal Balance" Technique: Click Here

ICGT 029 Video "Trauma and Stress Release" Technique: Click Here

MCS 001 Video "Cook's Hook-Up": Click Here           

MCS 007 Video "Ear Rolls": Click Here         

ICGT 026 Video "Cross Crawl": Click Here

ICGT 027 Video "Navel Tap" Technique: Click Here


​​Module 5 - Subtle Bodies & the Aura, Meridians and Crystals, Self-testing

ICGT 016 Video "Five Line Clearing": Click Here

ICGT 023 Video "Subtle Body Stones & Using  Arcs": Click Here

ICGT 031 Video "Muscle-testing and Self-Testing": Click Here

ICGT 033 Video "More Muscle-testing and Self-testing: Click Here

ICGT 045 Video "Using Massage Wands": Click Here

MCS 008 Video "Meridian Massage on Self": Click Here

MCS 009 Video "Meridian Massage on Others": Click Here


Module 6 - Relaxation, Protection & Support, Environmental Issues

ICGT 020 Audio "Protection and Support (1)": Click Here

ICGT 021 Audio "Protection and Support (2)" : Click Here

ICGT 022 Audio "Electromagnetic Stress" : Click Here

ICGT 028A Video "Assessing Geopathic Issues - part 1": Click Here

ICGT 028B Video "Assessing Geopathic Issues - part 2": Click Here

​ICGT 030 Audio "Electromagnetic Stress": Click Here

ICGT 032 Audio "Nature Energies": Click Here

ICGT 044 Audio "Space Clearing": Click Here


Module 7 - Practice Management, Distant work, Review of Techniques

ICGT 024 Video "Figure of 8 Layout": Click Here

ICGT 025 Video "Seal of Solomon" Layout: Click Here

ICGT 035 1/A Video "Well-being and Stress - an Analogy, part 1": Click Here

ICGT 035B Video "Well-being and Stress - an Analogy, part 2": Click Here


ICGT Precision Crystal Therapy Diploma Techniques and Exercises:



Module 6 - Working with Colour and Crystals

Discussion on the links between colour and crystals and how to use colour as an assessment tool

ICGT 054 - Part 1: Click Here
ICGT 055 - Part 2: Click Here


Module 7 - Crystal Doorways (Nets)

A workshop from a few years ago, focusing on nets:

MCS 006 Part 1: Click Here

MCS 010 Part 2: Click Here


Module 8 - Dealing with the Spine

ICGT 046 - Video of "Balancing the Cloacals": Click Here

This technique is usually assessed with muscle-testing, but can be done with dowsing. The cloacal lines of energy support and maintain energy flow within the body and help to stabilise posture. Excellent for lack of co-ordination, poor energy levels and chronic back pain.

PDF of Technique: Click Here


ICGT 047 - Video of "TMJ Correction": Click Here

This technique is usually assessed with muscle-testing, but can be done with dowsing. The Temporo-Mandibular-Joint and the muscles associated with it can be easily misaligned during dentistry or periods of stress. This misalignment can create a wide range of physical symptoms and loss of energy.

PDF of Technique: Click Here


ICGT 048 - Video of "Fixation": Click Here

This technique is usually assessed with muscle-testing, but can be done with dowsing. "Fixation" is a simple, clever technique that dealing with the flow of energy up and down the spine. Any shock to the being, on any level can reduce the efficiency of energy flow up and down the spine. If this energy is restricted in its flow it can create a lot of apparently unconnected symptoms on any level.
PDF of Technique: Click Here

Module 9 - Dealing with Emotional Stress

ICGT 049 - Video 1 of ESR Technique: Click Here

ICGT 050 - Video 2 of ESR Technique: Click Here

This technique is based on TCM 5 Elements and their emotional keys.

PDF of Technique: Click Here


Module 10 - Integration and Personal Goals

No videos available


Module 11 - Words and Crystals

ICGT 051 Discussion Video on Affirmations: Click Here


ICGT 052 Kinesiology Chakra Technique 1: Click Here


ICGT 053 Kinesiology Chakra Technique 2: Click Here

This is a technique that combines words, chakras and meridians to enable a chakra to function on all levels.


PDF of Techniques: Click Here


Module 12 - Pendulums as Healing Tools

No videos available


Module 13 - Absent Healing

No videos available


Module 14 - Gem Essences

No videos available


Module 15. Working with Solar System Energies
Basic astrological terms, identification and links to crystals, using personal astrological information as a key to crystal healing.

No videos available

16. Private Research/Thesis
Students are encouraged to focus on area(s) that they find particularly stimulating and to undertake a research project that can be presented as a report.

No videos available

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