Mandala Complementary Studies (MCS) &
Institute of Crystal & Gem Therapists (ICGT)
Videos - see also YouTube channel "Sue Lilly"
Therapist's 101 - Looking after Yourself
Tapping in' or 'Thymus Tap' - Grounding and Centring Video with Simon Lilly For grounding, aligning and centring, before and after any energy work
Cook's Hook-Up - Integrating Video with Sue Lilly
For focusing attention, integrating the hemispheres of the brain
Ear Rolls Video with Sue Lilly
Helping to keep focused
Meridian Massage - Self Video Simon & Sue Lilly
Meridian Massage for yourself
Therapist's 101 - Basic Techniques
Introduction to Dowsing Video with Simon & Sue Lilly
Beginning to work with a pendulum
Introduction to Muscle-Testing Video with Sue Lilly
Starting to muscle-test
Introduction to Self-Testing Video with Sue Lilly
Different ways to self-test
Meridian Massage on Others Video with Simon & Sue Lilly
Meridian Massage on other people
ICGT Precision Crystal Therapy Certificate Techniques:
Please visit the ICGT website: Click Here
Parts one and two of a workshop from the Crystal Enlightenment Conference Workshop:
Spiritual Development with Crystal Nets with Simon & Sue Lilly
Part 1: click here
Part 2: click here
Handout to go with the Workshop: Strategies for Personal and Spiritual Development (PDF)
Layouts from the workshop at the 2016 Crystal Enlightenment Conference, Llandrindod Wells, Wales.
Preseli Bluestone: Healing Stone of the Ancestors
Video of plenary session at the Crystal Enlightenment Conference:
Preseli Bluestone: Healing Stone of the Ancestors Preseli Presentation with Simon & Sue Lilly
The Drama Triangle/Karpman Triangle
1 of many: The Role of 'Victim'
From this link you can go on to explore the other roles - Persecutor, Rescuer.
Video on Chakras and Food:
Conscious Connections: video here