Mandala Complementary Studies (MCS) &
Institute of Crystal & Gem Therapists (ICGT)
MCS Green Man Essence Practitioner
The aim of this course is to enable the student to become familiar with the main essences of the Green Man range and to choose at least one area of specialist study.
The course is divided into ten modules. Of these ten, four are subject to personal choice.
The Green Man Essences Practitioner Diploma will be awarded on successful completion of at least seven of these modules. The modules can be completed by email.
Insurance in the UK is available for diploma holders
Compulsory Modules
Module One- Trees of Foundation
This module deals with tree essences that link to the colour red, the root chakra and issues to do with protection of personal energy integrity. All levels of being are covered - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. You will be offered a choice of four tree essences from a selection of ten to work with, plus the Red Light Essence.
Module Two - Trees of Creativity and Wisdom
This module deals with trees that resonate with the colours orange, white and yellow, the second or sacral chakra, the solar plexus chakra, plus dowsing. You will be offered a choice of four trees from a selection of ten to work with, plus the Orange, White and Yellow light Esences.
Module Three - Trees of Emotion and Communication
This module deals with trees that resonate with the colours green, blue and indigo, the heart, throat and brow chakras, plus self-testing. You will be offered a choice of four tree essences from a selection of ten to work with, plus Green, Blue and Indigo Light essences.
Module Four - Trees of Inspiration and Contentment
This module deals with trees that resonate with the colours violet and pink, the crown chakra, plus assessment techniques. You will be offered a choice of four trees from a selection of ten to work with, plus Violet, Pink and Magenta Light essences.
Module Five - Forest Combination Essences
This module introduces the Forest Combinations and their links to the Meridian System and the 5 Elements.
Module Six - Focus Fix Combinations and Sprays.
This module introduces the Focus Fixes and the Sprays. It looks at the way we create energy blocks on all levels and how to deal with them.
Module Twelve - Anatomy & Physiology
For the award of the Green Man Essence Practitioner Diploma you will need to show evidence of at least 30 hours of study of Anatomy and Physiology. Evidence of prior learning is accepted.
A homestudy course is available as a pdf - cost £55 A&P2 Click Here
Optional Modules
You will need to choose at least one of these for personal exploration
Module Eight - Sovereignty Essences.
This module introduces the Sovereignty Essences. Exploration will include research into the integration of Man and the Landscape and how healing can be influenced by yearly cycles
Module Nine - Mandala Essences
This module introduces the Mandala Essences. Exploration will include research into the traditions where these essences were made and how spiritual blocks play a role in disease states
Module Ten - The Keys to the Green Kingdoms Essences.
This module introduces the (Keys to the )Green Kingdom Essences. Exploration will include research into non-ordinary realities, non-physical energies within the landscape and their potential for healing and inspiration
Module Eleven - Gem Essences.
This module introduces Gem essences. Exploration will include research into the role that these essences play in anchoring consciousness.
Module 1 cost a total of £80 including registration of £25, plus the book 'Trees and their Flower Essences'
Each Foundation Module costs £40 + P&P, except Module 12 (if required) costs £55.
Each Module comes with a choice of essences.
When Module 1 is complete, the fee for Module 2 is sent in with the work for Module 1.
You can pay for the whole course at the beginning, but each module will only be released on the completion of the one before.
Students who are already practitioners will need to ensure they are covered through their current insurers for their case history work.
Other students are will need to acquire 'Student Insurance' from Holistic Insurance Services to cover themselves for their case histories (around £60 pa).
Please look at Booking Conditions
You can pay and register online:
Or you can complete the application form: Course Application Form and post to us.