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Mandala Complementary Studies (MCS) &
Institute of Crystal & Gem Therapists (ICGT)

1-2-1 Tutoring with Simon & Sue Lilly
Sue and Simon Lilly offer 1-2-1, face-to-face, tutoring for any subject they teach.
Arrangement can also be made for small groups.
Astrology - general and specific - per session
MCS Flower Essence Diploma Course:
Making Flower Essences (1 session, Module 6)
Plant Spirit Healing -(1 session Module 7)
Practice and Personal Energy Managements (1Session Module 8)
MCS Colour Healing/Therapy practicals and theory - by module
MCS Nutrition - leading to diploma qualification - by module (4 Modules)
ICGT Precision Crystal Therapy Diploma training - by module (10 Modules)
£75 per session/module (10.30-12.30pm or 2-4pm ) by Zoom
All by prior arrangement.
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