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MCS Holistic Tarot Course


Sue has been a tarot reader for over thirty years and has brought her experience as a reader, counsellor and holistic therapist to this course.

This course is designed around the Thoth Tarot Deck and comes with a small-sized deck and the book 'Mirror of the Soul'.

The course guides encourages you to develop your own understanding of each card, not just taking what someone else has decided each cards means. Sound guidance is given on how to read and how to use the cards as a tool for self-development.

The course aims to help you develop reading skills to guide people in a holistic and compassionate way, to deal with the crises and choices in their lives.

If you already have this deck and/or the book - you can get a discount - please email us on:


Each Module comes with an information book and a workbook. The workbook is returned before the next Module is released.

Module 1
History of Tarot
Division of the Deck
Astrological, numerological and colour correspondences
The Fire Element

Module 2
Earth and Air Elements, ethics, practicalities of choosing cards

Module 3
Water Element, timing cards & basic Layouts with Major Arcana

Module 4
Whole deck and simple layouts

Module 5
Complex Layouts & Spreads


Please look at Booking Conditions


You can pay and register online:


​Or you can complete the application form: Course Application Form   and post to us.

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